So one of my mommy friends, who seems to be my biggest fan, said I should write more often. I thought about it and for the sheer therapy of it, I agree. So, from now on, I vow to write once a month, whether I have a story to tell or not, I will write.
March 2013: I was brushing Bubu's teeth one night and noticed on his back molars, there was some black shit on there I couldn't brush off. After two days of scrubbing, I called our dentist and made an appointment. We went in this past Monday and turns out he has four cavities. One in each back molar. Wonderful. Thank God we have dental insurance because the worst case scenario is over $3000 which with insurance is now the bargain price of $1633. So, Dear Disneyland, we'll see you maybe in the fall if we're lucky.
Moving right along, I wonder sometimes if a working mom could ever win "mom of the year." I know I won't win with the four cavities but let's pretend like that didn't happen. And that Peewee didn't fall off the kitchen counter, and that if the kids don't want to take a bath I don't just skip it. Seriously though, is it impossible? I mean disregard that it is 9pm right now and I haven't put either of my kids to bed yet because I'm blogging. I actually just put Peewee's helmet on so she can ride her scooter around the house. Do I get some safety points for that?
So, did I tell you that my nanny is pregnant? Yeah, so I guess I'll be writing about interviewing new nannies soon. I guess it's fine though. I've learned so much about myself and how much OCD I have thanks to this nanny. I cannot believe how many little tiny things I could nit pick about with her but I don't, because I don't want to be a nut job. I feel like I can train the new nanny, whoever she is, much easier with this knowledge.
If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to paint a silver lining on my clouds of life. The reason why is because life is too short to "sweat the small stuff." One of my closest friends here in Roseville has taught me that. Even when the most annoying douchebags bug me, or when I owe the IRS a bunch of money, I just remind myself, I have two happy, healthy, beautiful kiddies, a pretty amazing husband, and incredible friends in my life.