Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grass is Greener Disease

I've got this disease called Grassisgreener. There is no known cure for it and I believe it affects about 3 out of 4 individuals. The first major sign of it was when I got an Industrial engineering degree in college and then due to my disease I thought I should test out a different industry. Then after a few years in that I went back to engineering and I am trying to find a job in that field again. Needless to say my fractured experience was probably not the best idea I have ever had, but it wasn't my fault...I have a disease!

So now, I've interviewed for a couple jobs up here in my very pregnant state and if I had taped those interviews, we could have an episode of the Office ready to air on TBS. Of course, I didn't get either of those jobs but regardless, I feel my disease creeping into my bloodstream again. For as long as I can remember, I have said that I want to be a working mom. Get daycare, get a nanny, get someone else to brush the kid's teeth for them, and I would continue to pursue my career. Because I am a career woman. I even went so far as to go on an interview for a job 8 months pregnant, seriously, I'll give you a moment to imagine what that looks like. It's ridiculous. But my disease is telling me that anything would be better than cleaning poopy diapers or scraping leftover mac and cheese off the kitchen floor.

Then this past Sunday afternoon, something happened. My husband and I decided to go see a movie. We went to drop off Bubu to a little daytime drop off hourly daycare spot (don't worry, it's a clean, nice place) and for the first time he totally started crying when we were leaving. I'm talking bawling, screaming, with tears. I realize it's a normal case of separation anxiety, but it was absolutely heartbreaking. I don't know what movie we saw or what it was about, all I could think of was getting Bubu out of there for the entire 90 minutes we were gone.

Now I'm wondering, is the grass is really greener in the working mom world?

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