Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Circus is in Town

You know how there are those moments in life where you wish you had a camera crew following you because you could sell the video and be some reality show on TLC? Well we have been home from the hospital for a few days now and I'm about to post an ad on craigslist for a camera crew to hire.

I will start with my disclaimer. I love my Mom.

My Mom is staying with us for a month to help us with the new baby, Bubu, and house stuff. At the hospital, my doctor said to just come into the office in a few days and they will take out my staples. No appointment needed, just quick drop in. So Monday sneaks up on us and my mom and I pack up Bubu and the new baby, whom we call Peewee, to go to the doctor and grab groceries for the week and head home. Sounds easy enough, right?

Let me just throw some advice out there for everyone, never believe the doctor who says you don't need an appointment when you have two kids in strollers and your mother going to get staples removed from your stomach. Just call ahead and announce your arrival because sure enough, someone will poop their pants, and get hungry, and that one toy in the waiting room will get old and boring in 8 minutes. And if all this happens, yes you guessed it, you have a toddler meltdown in your doctors office. This was arena one in our Thornton family circus.

So over an hour later we head to the grocery store. I forewarn my mom that moving quickly through the store is key when you have kids but she's kind of hobbling these days due to arthritis and I had a c-section 5 days ago so I am hobbling also. But we need food so we plow ahead into the produce section, two Indian women hobbling through the Safeway with a five day old baby and 17 month old little boy singing baa baa black sheep and playing peek-a-boo down every other aisle. At this point I've checked ego and self esteem at the door and lost my ticket. We finally get to the check out (whoo hoo!!) and Bubu starts crying if I move more than 3 feet away, it's 45 minutes past feeding time so Peewee starts crying, my mom seems to lose all mental ability and forgets everything she's learned about the credit card machine so I start calling out instructions to her yelling over the sound of two crying babies. The store clerks at staring at us in shock as we continue to sing Old Macdonald as we walk out the door. Welcome to the main ring at our circus mr grocery store cashier.

As we are driving home, I realize that my moms driving is a weird torture for me. But we made it, got the kids inside, fed, and groceries put away. Was it that bad? No, but let me just say we aren't going to Target tomorrow like planned. I think it might take a few days for the circus to venture out again.

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